These paintings integrate an emic approach to the study of Hindustani (North Indian) classical music with visual art components – resulting in finding inventive ways of relating queer male bodies to an ecofeminist paradigm, layered with a decolonial outlook.
These new works, began taking an entry point from the historic ‘ragamala’ paintings of Central India (Malwa, 16th to 18th century CE) which portray music through the metaphoric representations of a given musical melody [raga] and a suggested portrayal of nature, rendered in a limited palette. Each note in a specific raga is associated with a peculiar color, which helps to establish the specific emotion. My choice of use of color is informed by this knowledge, for example deep midnight blue or indigo hue is the color of sensuality. An array of earth tones complete my color palette, connecting directly to the land.
The musical components lead to an added sensitivity to ecological elements, where the bodies find inventive myths (on sexuality, control and power) from antiquity that are hybridized to present concerns.

Combat of Love in Raag Tilang
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches

Treading in Raga Yaman
oil on canvas
66 x 48 inches
Naaga in Raag Tilang
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches
Recleanzing in Raag Kedar
oil on line
18 x 14 inches

With Moon Sickle in Desh
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches
Mountain Maker in Raag Kedar
oil on linen
18 x 14 inches

Mountain maker in Raag Hameer
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches
Pitcherhead in Raag Kedar
oil on linen
17 x 11 inches

Gathering in Yaman
oil on canvas
28 x 22 inches
Circumnavigating in Yaman
oil on canvas
20 x 16 inches

Celadonus Rosa in Raag Tilang
oil on linen
30 x 22 inches
Eucelhybridata stagnum
in Raag Kedar
oil on linen
15.5 x 11 inches

Rosa-Aquamarina Hybridata
in Raag Kedar
oil on linen
30 x 24 inches
Euceladona hybridata in Kedar
oil on canvas
24 x 18 inches